Home / Nautilus Three Summer Houses, Mykonos

Nautilus Three Summer Houses, Mykonos

The design results from experiments with traditional Mykonian forms, incorporating arches and subterranean dwellings. The villas, situated on a steep hill overlooking the bay and the Aegean Sea, are oriented to face the bay, with their geometric shapes framing the sea view. Private and common spaces are connected by paths and terraces.

The private areas are all located in the subterranean part of the villa, while the public areas are positioned at the front. The organic geometry, which develops outwards from the subterranean part of the villa, provides shade to the balconies and the swimming pool in front of the common areas. Large openings allow natural light to flood the bedrooms and private areas.

project info

Architectural Office: 314 Architecture Studio
Location: Athens, Greece
Lead Architect: Pavlos Chatziangelides
Architects – Design Team: Giota, Chala, Sofia Stavrou, Sotiriou Aggelos, George Ouzounis, Eva Sofoulaki, Harris Grivokostopoulos, Antonis Sarris, Eirini Bouliou, Katerina Palantzi, Anna Stagaki, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Dimitris Panagiotou, Andrianna Triantafyllopoulou, Iro Dermitzaki, Angeliki Ragava, Timotheos Kopsidas, Popi Papachristou, Giannis Dimitrelis, Christina Iliopoulou, Katerina Tsili, Kassiani Gioti, Katerina Papoutsa
Structural Engineer: Foteini Karagianni
Type: Hospitality