Home / Serene Residences, Archimidous, Glyfada

Serene Residences, Archimidous, Glyfada

“Serene Residences” is situated in Glyfada, Greece, occupying a 706.50 square meter plot.

The proposed design pays homage to both the existing architectural vernacular of Upper Glyfada and the neighborhood’s micro-scale along the defining streets of the plot, presenting a contemporary aesthetic.

Rectangular slabs, sleek and thin, extend outward from the enclosed spaces towards the plot’s boundaries. The building’s volume recedes within its structure, creating dynamic forms and geometries that lend the impression of the building hovering visually. Facades are adorned with vertical wooden or marble elements, both fixed and movable, accentuating the clean lines and simplicity of the slabs.

The apartment complex is organized around a central staircase core, dictating the sizes and configurations of the units. Spanning six levels, the building comprises eight units in total.

project info

Architectural Office: 314 Architecture Studio
Location: Glyfada, Greece
Area: 706.50 sq.m.
Lead Architect: Pavlos Chatziangelides
Architects – Design Team: Giota, Chala, Angeliki Ragava, Eirini Bouliou, Katerina Tsili, Caterina Palantzi, Anna Stagaki, Antonis Sarris, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Dimitris Panagiotou, Andrianna Triantafyllopoulou, Iro Dermitzaki, Harris Grivokostopoulos, Timotheos Kopsidas, Giannis Dimitrelis, Pope Papachristou, George Ouzounis, Eva Sofoulaki, Sofia Stavrou, Christina Iliopoulou, Sotiriou Aggelos, Kassiani Gioti, Katerina Papoutsa, Elisavet Kiretsi
Structural Engineer: Foteini Karagianni
Mechanical Engineer: Stefanos Karagiannis -SKV Consulting
Type: Residential